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The Rules

​The following rules have been created with the safety and enjoyment of all club members in mind. Please do your part to help us make every ROAV event a positive experience for all participants.

  1. Land Rovers Only: The ROAV appreciates and respects all types of vehicles. However, one of the primary goals of our club is to promote brand enthusiasm and loyalty for Land Rover products. All vehicles must be substantially Land Rover in components and construction. The final decision on allowing any vehicle to participate in a club event rests with the Club President.​

  2. Tread Lightly: The ROAV heavily promotes the principles of the Tread Lightly program. Please respect the property and trails that are provided as many are given as a favor to the club. Vehicles shall only travel on marked trails and pack out all litter. Any rally participant found off trail, in an otherwise restricted area, causing damage to the property, or otherwise causing a disturbance will be asked to leave without a refund. No warnings will be issued.

  3. Trail Rides may be Guided: As a condition of our club's insurance, we are mandated to provide supervision to all club rides. Based on the considerations of each event location and requests made by the property owners, the ROAV may mandate that trail rides be conducted with an approved guide. We may not allow participants to venture off on their own. Please stay with your group at all times. If there is any question, check in with rally control or the registration table at each event before heading out on the trails.

  4. Vehicle Inspection: Trail guides are authorized to inspect any vehicle and eliminate it from a group that it is not equipped to ride with. The following items will be considered;

    • All vehicles must be licensed and insured. ROAV reserves the right to require proof of insurance along with a signed club waiver in order to participate in an event.

    • All vehicles on easy/beginner trail rides should have a solid rear recovery point.

    • All vehicles on moderate trail rides shall have solid front and rear recovery points. All terrain tires, winch, and some body armor is preferred.

    • All vehicles on advanced trail rides should have body lifts, body armor, a winch, multiple recovery points, and oversized tires.

    • All vehicles should have the following tools;

      • Fire extinguisher​

      • Work gloves

      • First Aid Kit

      • Tow strap or recovery strap with associated shackles

      • Shovel / Pick (recommended for advanced)

      • Tree straps and winch accessories (recommended for moderate and advanced).

    • All vehicles shall have road legal tires and be suitable for the respective trail level. All terrain or mud tires are required for moderate/advanced groups, and mud tires may be required when dictated by trail conditions.

    • Winches are encouraged for moderate groups and required for advanced groups.

    • Body protection (heavy bumpers and sill protection) is encouraged for moderate groups and required for advanced groups.

    • Lockers and traction aids are encouraged for moderate groups and required for advanced groups.

  5. No Drugs or Alcohol:  Drug and alcohol use is not permitted by anyone operating a vehicle or anyone participating in a vehicle recovery.

Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in your dismissal from the event with no refund. 

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