Rover Owners Association of Virginia
ROAV Event Refund Policy
The ROAV understands that on occasion, things do not work out and you are unable to attend one of our events. We all know that we live at the mercy of our Rovers! The ROAV would like to honor requests for refunds under the following conditions.
A request for cancellation / refund needs to be made via email. Please send your request to admin@roav.org. Please do not call, Facebook messenger, or text message your cancelation requests.
Requests for cancellation must be made in the first person. We will not honor requests that are made through a friend-of-a-friend.
A full refund can be issued if the cancellation request is made before the end of the early registration period (generally 2 weeks prior to the start of the event). Specific early registration dates are set for each event.
After the close of the early registration event, refunds will not be issued except under extreme circumstances reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The reason for this is that deposits are made at this point in event planning in terms of meals, t-shirts, and other support costs.
Please feel free to request a cancelation at any time due to illness. We do not want any member to attend an event while sick and risk the spread of any illness to other club members. No guarantees are made regarding refunds requested after the end of the early registration. However, requests made due to COVID, the flu, or broken necks will be received with compassionate consideration. Requests due to Irish Flu may not.
No-shows or requests for refunds made after the official start of an event will not be honored.
Individuals that are asked to leave an event due to a violation of "The Rules" will not be issued a refund.
A reasonable effort will be made to mail a registered attendee's registration packet and other event items to them in the event of a no-show. Please make sure you send your mailing address to admin@roav.org to make sure your items can be shipped to you.
Please reach out to admin@roav.org if you have any other questions about your event registration, cancelations, or refunds.
Thank you for your support and understanding.