Rover Owners Association of Virginia

Mid-Atlantic Rally Schedule

(Note: we will work to adhere to this schedule as best as the weather and Rovers allow - all times are approximate.)
Thursday, September 26th
12:00 pm Rally Officially Opens
12:00 pm Onsite Event Registration @ Rally Control
5:00 pm
Dinner On Your Own
10:00 pm Quiet Time
(generators off except front field)
Friday, September 27th
7:00 am Food truck arrives for breakfast and lunch
8:00 am Onsite Event Registration @ Rally Control
9:00 am Drivers Meeting @ Main Pavilion (mandatory for all trail drivers)
Coffee Provided (while supplies last)
10:00 am Guided Trail Rides, Pearl's Pond
Beginner and beginner/intermediate (x2 each)
Lineup in Chelsea (along Bridgeport Road, on the west side of the Chelsea driveway
Link to Google Maps
10:30 am Open Trail Rides
10:30 am Guided Trail Rides, Penlan Farm
12:00 pm Beginner/Intermediate
Lineup at Penlan Farm
Location: 37.665629, -78.376910
Sponsored by the McCaig family. Take a ride down memory lane. See and learn about the site of the first MARs at Penlan Farm. Trail rides will assemble in the field and hit the trail ~ every 30 minutes. Trail ride is about 15 min, well, unless you get stuck in the Ginseng bog.
12:00 pm Lunch Break Own Your Own
Food truck on site
1:00 pm - Guided Trail Rides, Penlan Farm
3:00 pm See above for details
1:00 pm Ben Wooten Recovery Class @ Main Pavilion
2:00 pm Daily Food Truck Closes
4:00 pm Onsite Event Registration Closes
5:00 pm Friday Night MAR 30th Celebration @ Main Pavilion
8:00 pm Food Trucks (cash) (Taco/Mex)
Beverage Cup Donation $5 (beer and wine)
Sponsored by Lucky8. Wow!!! 30 years of Mud and Ran! Okay, there were a few dry ones. We will have Big Lick Brewing beer on tap along with a selection of wine. You can partake in beer and wine by donating $5 for a cup (donations go to two great causes to be announced.)
Each cup will include a raffle ticket. We will be raffling off the second to last ROAV Green Circle watch. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $5, which also goes towards our donations.
You can purchase food from the food truck (Taco/Mex) or bring your own.
There will be a special MAR celebration including MAR (and ROAV) founding members and their trucks which attended the first MAR! We will also have a slide show with pictures dating back to 1994! (the first year of the Classic Defender and Disco 1 too!)
10:00 pm Quiet Time
(generators off except front field)
Saturday, September 28th
7:00 am Day Food Truck Open (Breakfast and Lunch)
8:00 am Onsite Event Registration
10:00 am
9:00 am Drivers Meeting @ Main Pavilion
Coffee provided (while supplies last)
10:00 am Guided Trail Rides, Pearl's Pond
Beginner and Beginner/Intermediate x2 each
Lineup in front field
10:00 am Poker Run Begins (get coordinates @ Main Pavilion)
Sponsored by Atlantic British. Part scavenger hunt and part poker. Play to win AB gift certificates. You will collect colored cards placed around the properties. You will have 3 hours to collect up to 7 cards. At 1:00 pm SHARP you need to be back at the Main Pavilion.
10:00 am La Touraine Teeter Totter Competition
12:00 pm
Sponsored by La Touraine watches. How quickly can you balance your Rover? The top three competitors will win watches!
10:30 am Guided Trail Rides, Penlan Farm
12:00 pm See details from Friday
Lunch Break Own Your Own
1:00 pm- Rovers North RTV - Gregory Island
4:00 pm: You must sign up for a timeslot during Friday’s or Saturday’s drivers’ meeting
Sponsored by Rovers North. Plot your way through the courses while avoiding hitting a pole or stopping forward motion for a chance to win some great prizes. Slow and steady wins this one.
1:00 pm Poker Run Ends
Sponsored by Atlantic British. You need to be at the Main Pavilion at 1pm sharp in order to PLAY POKER. Your colored cards will be traded in for playing cards. The contestant with the best 5 card poker hand will win first place. The second and third place poker hands will also win prizes. (please schedule your RTV time accordingly)
1:00 pm Children's Activities @ Main Pavilion
3:00 pm Coloring contest with winner announced at the Saturday Night Dinner
2:00 pm Day Food trucks depart
6:00 pm Group Dinner @ the Pavilion
Hope you got your meal tickets for this one. Mr. Z’s is not your “just pulled” pork BBQ. This meal will include not only that but wings, ribs and some great sides. We may even have some beer left over from Friday night, so bring your new cup. Dinner served promptly at 6:00 pm. We are not responsible for saving you food if you do not show up to dinner on time.
7:00 pm: Sponsor Raffle and Prize Give Away @ Main Pavilion
PLEASE BRING CASH. Credit card purchases are discouraged, so if you know you are going to buy tickets, please bring cash. We will also have at least one item for auction, so if you're the auctioning kind of person that doesn’t like to lose, bring cash for that too.
10:00 pm Quiet Time
(generators off except forward field)
Sunday, September 29
8:00 am: Coffee @ Main Pavilion (while supplies last)
1:00 pm: Camp Check-Out and Rally Closes